Film Front Bags 4 x 6 x 14

£14.96loading (exc VAT @ 20%)
Product Code: FF1005
Stock Status: in stock

There are no shortage of options when it comes to how to package your food produce, but a particularly good option with attractive food goods such as pastries and treats, is the film fronted bag. These allow the food to be seen while providing a paper backing that lets the food break and absorbs any extra moisture from the produce.

This bag is 4 x 6 x 14 inches. (100 x 150mm) Unstrung  




Film Front Bags 4 x 6 x 14

£14.96loading (exc VAT @ 20%)
Product Code: FF1005
Stock Status: in stock

There are no shortage of options when it comes to how to package your food produce, but a particularly good option with attractive food goods such as pastries and treats, is the film fronted bag. These allow the food to be seen while providing a paper backing that lets the food break and absorbs any extra moisture from the produce.

This bag is 4 x 6 x 14 inches. (100 x 150mm) Unstrung  



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Film Front Bags 4 x 6 x 14

£14.96loading (exc VAT @ 20%)
Product Code: FF1005
Stock Status: in stock

There are no shortage of options when it comes to how to package your food produce, but a particularly good option with attractive food goods such as pastries and treats, is the film fronted bag. These allow the food to be seen while providing a paper backing that lets the food break and absorbs any extra moisture from the produce.

This bag is 4 x 6 x 14 inches. (100 x 150mm) Unstrung  




Film Front Bags 4 x 6 x 14

£14.96loading (exc VAT @ 20%)
Product Code: FF1005
Stock Status: in stock

There are no shortage of options when it comes to how to package your food produce, but a particularly good option with attractive food goods such as pastries and treats, is the film fronted bag. These allow the food to be seen while providing a paper backing that lets the food break and absorbs any extra moisture from the produce.

This bag is 4 x 6 x 14 inches. (100 x 150mm) Unstrung  



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